BLACK ONSLAUGHT E. 8 - (22-December-2018)
INFERNAL OBLITERATION E.153 - Midwinter FROST & ICE (21-Dec-2018)
01. Storhet av Morke - Lord of Ice Lands
02. Hate Forest - Desert of Ice
03. Infinity - Frozen Cries
04. Dunkelheit - Winds Of Icecold Lakes
05. Idhafels - Frostag Nebul Innan Tal
06. Sorcier Des Glaces - Through the Veils of Frost
07. Croc Noir - Glace
08. Carpathian Forest - The Frostbitten Woodlands of Norway
09. Mayhem - Freezing Moon
10. Necrofrost - Nostalgia Freeze The Norse Reaper
11. Valkyrja - Frostland
12. Skogen - Frostland
13. Frostland - Frostkern
14. Azgaroth - Verijää
15. Sawhill Sacrifice - JÄÄ
16. Tulus - Frossen Skog
17. Immortal - Grim And Frostbitten Kingdoms
18. Black Trinity - Frozen North
19. Pestlegion - Land Of Frost
20. Devathorn - Legions Of Frost
21. Nargothrond - Through The Forest Of The Frozen Stroms
22. Uskonrauha - Maahan jäätyneet ruumiit
23. Old Wainds - Freezing Winter Breath
24. Forgotten Woods - Grip Of Frost
25. Morrigan - Through the Halls of Ice
26. Darkwoods My Betrothed - My Eyes Are Frozen
27. Helrunar - Schwarzer Frost
28. Panzerfrost - Endless Freezing Rain
29. Karakondzula - Dream of Frost
30. Grimsvötn - Inside the Veil of Ice
31. Sardonic Witchery - Freezing Darkness
32. Regentvm - Early Frost
33. Nydvind - Icewinds Unleashed
34. Summoning - The Shadow Lies Frozen on the Hills
35. Elffor - Icewind
35. Demoncy - Within the Sylvan Realms of Frost
36. Coldworld - Hymn To Eternal Frost
37. Forest Silence - Empire Of Frost
Band Links:
INFERNAL OBLITERATION E.152 - (12-December-2018)
01. Archgoat - The Darkness has returned - The Luciferian Crown (2018) Finland
02. Mutilation Rites - Axiom Destroyer - Chasm (2018) US
03. Atroce - La Puissance de Moloch - Necromantiae Bestialis (2018) Canada
04. Blackrat - Haunter of the Threshold - Dread Reverence (2018) Canada
05. Slavehouse - Sacred Flesh - Taste in Pain (2018) US
06. Nocturnal Graves - Roar of the Wild - Titan (2018) Australia
07. Witching Hour - From Beyond They Came - ...And Silent Grief Shadows the Passing Moon (2018) Germany
08. Corpsehammer - Sexo & Muerte - Perversión (2018) Sweden/Chile
09. Embrace of Thorns - The Wanderer And His Shadow - Scorn Aesthetics (2018) Greece
10. Dødsferd - Bite It You Scum (GG Allin Cover) - The Breath of Chaos (2013) Greece
11. Wiegedood - Parool - De Doden Hebben Het Goed III (2018) Belgium
12. Wounded Funeral - Lightbearers Of Darkness - Museau Blanc (2018) Canada
13. Kriegsmaschine - On the essence of transformation - Apocalypticists (2018) Poland
14. Adaestuo - Shadow Pilgrimage - Krew Za Krew (2018) Poland/US/Finland
15. Devathorn - Azazyel Iscariot - Zos Vel Thagirion (2018) Greece
16. Inferno - The Solitary Immersion into Autarchic Silence - Zos Vel Thagirion (2018) Czech Republic
17. Begotten - And The Wind Cries Death I - And The Wind Cries Death (2018) Canada
18. Hagetisse - Walgsteen Op Doodsbed - Godendraak (2017) Netherlands
19. Gjaldur - Unterm Totenbanner - Unterm Totenbanner (2018) Germany
20. Dauþuz - Als mein Geleucht für immer erlosch - Des Zwerges Fluch (2018) Germany
21. Thromos - Der ungreifbare Kern - Taucht ein ... in Finsternis (2018) Germany
22. Krahnholm - The Feast of Decayed Souls - Granting Death (2018) Russia
23. Forlor - Nocturnal Winter Sky - Towards The End (2018) Finland
24. Norrhem - Kadotuksen sudet - Vaienneet Voittajat (2018) Finland
25. Spectral Wound - Woods From Which The Spirits Once So Loudly Howled - Infernal Decadence (2018) Canada
26. Kult - Black Drapes - The Eternal Darkness I Adore (2018) Italy
27. Khandra - There is no division outside existence - There is no division outside existence (2018) Belarus
28. Djevelkult - Life Devoid - Kult of Kaos Serpent (2018) Norway
29. Kyy - Progress: Leaping Beyond God - Kult of Kaos Serpent (2018) Finland
30. Nihil Kaos - Artifex Erroris - Kult of Kaos Serpent (2018) Turkey
31. Nazrak - Sous l'œil du Sage - Cantiques Funèbres (2018) France
32. Mascharat - Bauta - Mascharat (2017) Italy
Band Links:
INFERNAL OBLITERATION E.151 - (28-November-2018)
01. Cavemaster - Fim da Humanidade - Sob o Abismo do Infinito (2017) PORTUGAL
02. Ancestors Blood - God of evil and lord of demons - A dark passage from the past (2009) FINLAND
03. Odium - Riding The Starwinds - The Sad Realm Of The Stars (1998) NORWAY
04. Uhriristi - Maailma Palaa - Maailma Palaa (2013) FINLAND
05. Esoctrilihum - Aevendh Sadh - Inhüma (2018) FRANCE
06. Angantyr - Træl af tomme ord - Ulykke (2018) DENMARK
07. Weltschmerz - Down the Maelstrom - Illustra Nos (2018) NETHERLANDS
08. Gaerea - Absent - Unsettling Whispers (2018) PORTUGAL
09. Nahr Alma - Scissor Cuts - Lux Gemini (2017) SWEDEN
10. Isgärde - Klätt I Frostens Nålar - Den Sista Vilobädden (2018) SWEDEN
11. Panphage - Som man sår får man skörda - Jord (2018) SWEDEN
12. Det eviga leendet - Lenience - Lenience (2018) SWEDEN
13. Odious Devotion - Morphosis - Odious Devotion (2018) FINLAND
14. Nychtophilia - Untill Death…- Ad Mortem Et Tenebrae (2018) POLAND
15. Croc Noir - Tapis dans l’ombre - Mort (2018) FRANCE
16. Neptrecus - Quand le Chassepot rencontre la Dreyse - Frères De Sang (2015) FRANCE
17. Seth - La Quintessence Du Mal - Les Blessures de l'âme (1998) FRANCE
18. Askvald - Morgenstund - Nachtschattenreich (2018) GERMANY
19. Kluizenaer - Selbstquäler - Das Ungebrochene Schweigen (2018) GERMANY
20. Tannöd - Söhne Des Windes - Spukgeschichten - Anciennes Légendes Des Alpes (2017) GERMANY
21. Hanternoz - Diables Des Cloîtres Dans Les Monts Du Matin - Spukgeschichten - Anciennes Légendes Des Alpes (2017) FRANCE
22. Rauhnåcht - Ewiges Morgenrot - Spukgeschichten - Anciennes Légendes Des Alpes (2017) AUSTRIA
23. Wallfahrer - Lacrimis Sanguine - Anthologie Der Abkehr (2018) GERMANY
24. Siete Lagunas - Un cadáver junto al río - I & II (2018) COLOMBIA
25. Siete Lagunas - Aguanoso - I & II (2018) COLOMBIA
26. Necroroots - Burning Skies - Necrotoots EP (2018) MEXICO
27. Darkdeatheternus - The Black Visions - Exclusive Track (2018) ARGENTINA
28. Blackhammer - Endless Sufference - Damned World (2012) ITALY
29. Unseen Abyss - Whore - Blackbird EP (2018) FRANCE
30. Enbilulugugal - GoatStorm Blitzkrieg - Offerings to GoatSerpent (2018) US
Band Links:
BLACK ONSLAUGHT E. 7 - (23-November-2018)
INFERNAL OBLITERATION E.150 - (14-November-2018)
01. Wulkanaz - Mårgnanens Väv - Wulkanaz (2018) SWEDEN
02. Andeis - Skalkos blindons nahts - Servants of the Cold Night (2018) GERMANY
03. Runespell - Blood Martyr - Order of Vengeance (2018) AUSTRALIA
04. Necroroots - Third Person - Necroroots EP (2018) MEXICO
05. Gitrog - Ancient Tides (Unending Stream Of Nights) - Spectral Heraldry (2018) GERMANY
06. Bergwacht - Zwietracht - Waldpfad (2017) GERMANY
07. Krukh - Горесть - Безглуздість! (2018) US
08. Utstøtt - Járnviðr - Járnviðr (2018) US
09. Veiled - Luminous - Black Celestial Orbs (2018) US
10. Sex Messiah - Nuclear Armageddon - Eastern Cult of Sodomy (2018) JAPAN
11. Blasphemy - Demoniac - Victory (Son of the Damned) (2018) CANADA
12. Archgoat - Star of Darkness - The Luciferian Crown (2018) FINLAND
13. Kryptamok - Kirous - Profaani (2018) FINLAND
14. Ováte - Morgenstjerne - Ováte (2018) NORWAY
15. Svältvinter - Mord - Att Öde Vara (2018) SWEDEN
16. Ascete - Danse de la Sénescence (feat. S de Mésalliance) - Romances Factieuses & Élégies de l'Ost (2018) FRANCE
17. Dödsrit - Svard Aska - Dödsrit (2018) SWEDEN
18. Stardust - Gedanken eines sterbenden Wolfes - Fragmente eines gebrochenen Lebens (2018) GERMANY
19. Haxxan - Disciples of the Silent - Loch Ness Rising (2016) US
20. Dauden - Akem Manah - My Soul Will Be Damned Forever (2015) NORWAY
21. Ka-tet - Mit welkem Ton - Herbstwind (2013) GERMANY
22. Vanhelga - Förpassad Till Misär - Fredagsmys (2018) SWEDEN
INFERNAL OBLITERATION E.149 - (31-October-2018)
02. Labyrinth Entrance - Canto III - Monumental Bitterness (2017) POLAND
03. Homselvareg - Rinascita - Rinascita (2018) ITALY
04. Teuras - Return to Winterborgir - III (2018) FINLAND
05. Numinous - Bound To Servitude - Numinous (2011) FINLAND
06. Barastir - Christ Scum - Under the Banner of Hate / Hveralundr (Barastir / Ugluk split) (2006) GERMANY
07. Hukutus - Koitus - Oksitosiini (2018) FINLAND
08. Voëmmr - Untitled III - Sombr Moebrd (2018) PORTUGAL
09. Obsidian Grave - Forged From Marrow And Blood - Lupine Musings Of A Dying Faith (Split) (2018) US
10. Goatskullt - Godfeces - Refuse to Exist! (2018) FINLAND
11. Morgal - Blood For Atazoth - Morgal (2018) FINLAND
12. Sargeist - Psychosis Incarnate - Unbound (2018) FINLAND
13. Non Est Deus - Preperation - The Last Supper (2018) GERMANY
14. Niedergang - A megszállott - Átszellemülés (2016) HUNGARY
15. Sear Bliss - Seven Springs - Letters From The Edge (2018) HUNGARY
16. Peste Noire - Aux armes (promo single, 2018) FRANCE
17. Akitsa - Siècle pastoral - Credo (2018) CANADA
18. Les Chants De Nihil - Rideau De Chair - Armor (2015) FRANCE
19. Baise Ma Hache - Insociabile Regnum - F.E.R.T (2018) FRANCE
20. Occultum - Skulls Instead of Candles - In Nomine Rex Inferni (2018) POLAND
21. Ováte - Inst I Tanken - Ovate (2018) NORWAY
22. Primaire - Winds of cleansing - Exitium (2018) GERMANY
23. Essenz - Randlos Gebein - Manes Impetus (2018) GERMANY
24. TujAroT - Uranos - Existencialista (2017) SLOVAKIA
25. Ultha - The Night Took Her Right Before My Eyes - Converging Sins (2016) GERMANY
BLACK ONSLAUGHT E. 6 - (24-October-2018)
01. Wind Of The Black Mountains-An Autumn Evening(Darkness Crave)
02. Satanic Warmaster-666
03. Sargiest-Death's Empath
04. Gevurah-Mark Of Lucifer
05. Temple Of Oblivion-From Cairo To The Cape
06. Black Funeral-Alanni Goddess Of The Underworld
07. Azaghal-Ajaton
08. Ride For Revenge-Naked And Ready
09. Eternal Alchemist-Invocation Of The Black Flames
10. Kult-Pandemonium
11. Ritual Death-Ritual Murder(Mark Of The Devil)
12. Tezcatlipoca-In Tlilihtec Tzompantli
13. Nehemah-In October Nightshades
14. Thorns-Aerie Descent
15. Gehenna-Angelwings And Ravenclaws
16. Black Murder-Fresh Flesh
17. Grabgesang-To Die Under Bloodred Skies
18. Mythos-Unreal Moon
19. A.M.S.G.-Astral Projections Of Lucifer
20. Inferno Requiem-Apocalypse Chaos
21. Myrmidion-Blasphemous Torture
22. The Sons Of Perdition-Chainsaw Marauder
23. Ampulheta-Disturbing
24. Haunt-Where Your Grave Used To Be
25. Rodent Epoch-Rodentlord
26. Primaire-Winds Of Cleansing
27. Black Circle-The Path To Eternal Wisdom
28. Cataplexy-Burn The False Idols
29. Ichor-Call Of The Bloodthirst
30. Akista-Credo
31. Velo Misere-Abdicacion
32. Kalterit-Black Inspiration
33. Gitrog-Black Lunar Tombs
34. Axudual Imdurzam-Untitled II
35. Malign-Ashes And Bloodstench
36. Root-666
INFERNAL OBLITERATION E.148 - (10-October-2018)
01. Judas Iscariot - Armageddon - An Ancient Starry Sky (1998 released in 2018) US
02. Runenwacht - Goldner Hirsch Und Goldner Löwe - Des Goden Werk (2015) GERMANY
03. Pestlegion - Reaping Their Sins - Dominus Profundum (2017) GERMANY
04. Azelisassath - Profanities From The Void - Evil Manifestations Against Mankind (2014) SWEDEN
05. Schrat - Alptraumgänger - Alptraumgänger (2018) GERMANY
06. Drautran - Blót - Lohen der Opferung - Throne Of The Depths (2007) GERMANY
07. Interitus - Eiswind - Der Traum von menschenleerer Schönheit (2007) GERMANY
08. Ungfell - De Türst und s Wüetisheer - Mythen, Mären, Pestilenz (2018) SWITZERLAND
09. Brume D'Automne - Premisse а La Noirceur - La Grande Noirceur (2018) CANADA
10. Belliciste - Epoch of Death - Bàrdachd Cogaidh (2018) SLOVAKIA
11. Malignitas - XXXI.III.MMXVIII - Lunae (2018) Lunar (2018) GERMANY
12. Thysantmünz - Black Wolves Marching - Undead Poetry (2018) RUSSIA
13. Vhorthax - The Levitating Tomb - Nether Darkness (2017) RUSSIA
14. North Black - Visjoner av Arten (feat. Existenz Dizaster) - Tårer av Skogen (2018) RUSSIA
15. Hadal - Abisal Chance - Demo (2018) POLAND
16. Lucifericon - Sevenfold - Al-Khem-Me (2018) NETHERLANDS
17. Warkvlt - Enigma Requiem - Horde (2018) INDONESIA
18. Goat Disciple - Black Skull Hypnogogue - Wolfcult Domination (2018) US
19. Finis - 11 Temple Stones - Visions of Doom (2018) GERMANY
20. Ein - Inclination - Lethargic Breakthrough (2018) FRANCE
21. Von Sargeth - An Empire Is Forged Upon The Remnants Of Ones Once Lost - A Winter As LongAs Time Itself (2008) US
22. Ludicra - Userpent - Hollow Psalms (2002) US
23. Drakul - Seizure Of the Leaning Abbey - Kicked Out Of Hell (2017) US
24. Skogen - Frostland - Skuggorna kallar (2018) SWEDEN
25. Gjendød - Dødsrikets Pinsler - Skygger Fra Dødsriket (Compilation) (2018) NORWAY
26. Vrångbild - Vortex-Messiah - A Psyche Engaged To The Vortex (2017) SWEDEN
27. A Forest of Stars - Precipice Pirouette - Grave Mounds and Grave Mistakes (2018) UK
28. Firtan - Nacht verweil - Okeanos (2018) GERMANY
OBSERVANCE E.14 BV.0 (30-Sep-2018)
01. Cultes Des Ghoules- The Woods of Power 00:29
02. Drudkh-Skies at our Feet 12:50
03. Necros Christos-Exodos 25:16
04. Weakling-Cut Their Brain And Place Fire Therein 35:21
05. Limbonic Art-Death Trip to a Mirage Asylum 47:06
06. Borgne-Comme si ça s'arrêtera... / Stone 59:16
07. Mare-Nightbound 1:11:03
08. Kawir-The Descent of Persephone 1:21:24
09. Negura Bunget-Cel din Urma Vis 1:33:27
10. Ash Borer- The Lacerated Spirit 1:43:28
11. Midnight Odyssey-Lethe 1:55:14
12. Taake-Dei vil alltid klaga og kyta 2:05:49
13. Saor-The Declaration 2:17:30
14. Thantifaxath-Lost in Static Between Worlds 2:27:59
15. Ride For Revenge-Sinking the Song 2:41:18
INFERNAL OBLITERATION E.147 - (26-September-2018)
01. Burzum - Leukes Renkespill (Introduksjon) - Belus (2010) NOR
02. Black Funeral - Alanni Goddess of the Underworld - The Dust and Darkness (2018) US
03. Urarv - Satori - Argentum (2018) NORWAY
04. Dun - Nature Morte - Nature Morte (2014) FRANCE
05. Dysylumn - Decima - Ce qui fut, ce qui est, ce qui sera (Split) (2018) FRANCE
06. Malepeste - Clotho - Ce qui fut, ce qui est, ce qui sera (Split) (2018) FRANCE
07. Burial Well - Breathe the Fractal Mist - Past Lives - EP (2017) US
08. Graveborne - Jumalan palvelija - 1918 (2018) FINLAND
09. Daagh - Track 5 - Daagh (EP) (2018) NORWAY
10. Primal Cult - The Chthonic Uprising - Perennial Fire (2018) GREECE
11. Dagorath - Tak przemija chwała tego świata - Evil is the Spirit (2018) POLAND
12. Darkenhöld - Cors Glorieux - Castellum (2018) FRANCE
13. Gorgon - As A Stone - The Lady Rides A Black Ride Horse (1995) FRANCE
14. Empty - Filandom under the sign of misfortune - Vacio (2018) SPAIN
15. Nazrak - Le Fantôme et le Mortel - Cantiques Funèbres (2018) FRANCE
16. Föltrid - Erlösung - Föltrid (2018) GERMANY
17. Thornium - Emperor of the Carpathians - Dominions of the Eclipse (1995) SWEDEN
18. Vermilia - Saattaja - Kätkyt (2018) FINLAND
19. Sacrificium Carmen - Arvet & Henki - Hermetica (2018) FINLAND
20. Mavorim - Krieger, Voran - Verbrannte Erde (2018) GERMANY
21. Totenwache - Treacherous Sorcery - Verbrannte Erde (2018) GERMANY
22. Mourning by Morning - At Heart - Mourning by Morning (2018) US
23. Wayfarer - Animal Crown - World's Blood (2018) US
24. Anomalie - Temples - Integra (2018) AUSTRIA
25. Cosmic Church - Sinetti - Täyttymys (2018) FINLAND
26. The Projectionist - Dementia's Wheel Strapped and Taken to Adjacent Halls - Visits from the NightHag Part 1 (2018) CANADA
02. Black Funeral - Alanni Goddess of the Underworld - The Dust and Darkness (2018) US
03. Urarv - Satori - Argentum (2018) NORWAY
04. Dun - Nature Morte - Nature Morte (2014) FRANCE
05. Dysylumn - Decima - Ce qui fut, ce qui est, ce qui sera (Split) (2018) FRANCE
06. Malepeste - Clotho - Ce qui fut, ce qui est, ce qui sera (Split) (2018) FRANCE
07. Burial Well - Breathe the Fractal Mist - Past Lives - EP (2017) US
08. Graveborne - Jumalan palvelija - 1918 (2018) FINLAND
09. Daagh - Track 5 - Daagh (EP) (2018) NORWAY
10. Primal Cult - The Chthonic Uprising - Perennial Fire (2018) GREECE
11. Dagorath - Tak przemija chwała tego świata - Evil is the Spirit (2018) POLAND
12. Darkenhöld - Cors Glorieux - Castellum (2018) FRANCE
13. Gorgon - As A Stone - The Lady Rides A Black Ride Horse (1995) FRANCE
14. Empty - Filandom under the sign of misfortune - Vacio (2018) SPAIN
15. Nazrak - Le Fantôme et le Mortel - Cantiques Funèbres (2018) FRANCE
16. Föltrid - Erlösung - Föltrid (2018) GERMANY
17. Thornium - Emperor of the Carpathians - Dominions of the Eclipse (1995) SWEDEN
18. Vermilia - Saattaja - Kätkyt (2018) FINLAND
19. Sacrificium Carmen - Arvet & Henki - Hermetica (2018) FINLAND
20. Mavorim - Krieger, Voran - Verbrannte Erde (2018) GERMANY
21. Totenwache - Treacherous Sorcery - Verbrannte Erde (2018) GERMANY
22. Mourning by Morning - At Heart - Mourning by Morning (2018) US
23. Wayfarer - Animal Crown - World's Blood (2018) US
24. Anomalie - Temples - Integra (2018) AUSTRIA
25. Cosmic Church - Sinetti - Täyttymys (2018) FINLAND
26. The Projectionist - Dementia's Wheel Strapped and Taken to Adjacent Halls - Visits from the NightHag Part 1 (2018) CANADA
BLACK ONSLAUGHT E. 5 - USBM SPECIAL (24-September-2018)
THE EXCIDIUM PENDULUM V (19-September-2018)
02. Goatpsalm - White Sea - Downstream (2016) RUSSIA
03. Gaetir The Mountainkeeper - Baldrs Draumar II (Völva Og Óðinn) (2016) SERBIA
04. Shibalba - Mantras of the Lotus-Eyed God - Alone in the Hollow Garden & Nam-Khar "Yang Trol Lé" (2016) GREECE
05. Dysylumn - Épilogue - Ce qui fut, ce qui est, ce qui sera (Split) (2018) FRANCE
06. Nytt Land - Ragnarök - Odal (2018) RUSSIA
07. Uada - The Wanderer - Cult Of A Dying Sun (2018) US
08. Caverne - Procession - Chants Des Héros Oubliés (2013) FRANCE
09. Toroidh - The Return Of Yesterday - Offensiv! (2004) SWEDEN
10. Mørketida - Outro - Panphage Mysticism (2018) FINLAND
11. Dodsengel - Torner I Snoen - Visionary (2009) NORWAY
12. Ivar Bjornson & Einar Selvik's Skuggsjá - Skuggsjá - A Piece For Mind & Mirror (2016) NORWAY
13. Hagalaz' Runedance - Seidr - The Winds That Sang of Midgard's Fate (1998) GERMANY
14. Pest - The Spirit Of Dark Water - Ära (2003) GERMANY
15. Cosmic Autumn - Solitude (Instrumental) - Cosmic Autumn (2018) GERMANY
16. VANHELGA - Fredagsmys - Fredagsmys (2018) SWEDEN
17. Mondvolland - Mooi Ann van Velp - Pestvogel (2012) NETHERLANDS
18. Verbum Verus - Verbum Verus - Melkiresha (2012) NETHRELANDS
19. Omegathrum Moon - Blade Incision and the Glorify - Cult of Teloch (2012) FINLAND
20. Malepeste - Prologue - Ce qui fut, ce qui est, ce qui sera (2018) FRANCE
21. Danheim - Gungnir - Herja (2018) DENMARK
22. North Black - I deg hele naturen (Instrumental Synth version) - Tårer av Skogen (2018) RUSSIA
23. Runespell - Night's Gate - Order of Vengeance (2018) AUSTRALIA
OBSERVANCE E.14 BV.8 (16-Sep-2018)
Intro-Bells of Fire 00:00
CULTES DES GHOULES-Children of the Moon-Sinister 00:29
Lluvia-Endlösung-Enigma 09:57
Vilkacis-Spiritual Retribution-Beyond the Mortal Gate 19:11
Adverso-II - Consummatio-Ex Inanis 28:11
Vintersorg-Algol-Cosmic Genesis 34:02
Mgla-With Hearts toward none II-With hearts toward none 40:10
Caladan Brood-Echoes of Battle-tt 45:43
Gallowbraid-Stone of Remembrance-Ashen Eidolon 55:03
Trelldom-Fra Mitt Gamle-Till Minne 1:04:44
Moonsorrow-Suden Toni-Jumalten Aika 1:10:27
Borknagar- Oceans Rise-The Archaic Course 1:17:20
Sadness-Lay-Rain 1:23:50
Lifelover-Vardagsnytt-Pulver 1:32:22
Ævangelist-Resurrection Of The Godhead Sinister-Heralds of Nightmare Descending 1:36:41
White Medal-Nivver Rewear-Lyke Wake 1:42:19
Mon Veneris-Blasphemous Sexual Torture-...To Rape the Nazarene 1:46:25
Gnaw their Tongues/Crowhurst-The Blinding Fury Of Suffering 1:52:33
Black Funeral (U.S.)-Chemosh of the Dust and Darkness 1:57:30
Occelensbrigg-The Revenge of the Imposing Oak Forest-The Quest For the Star Mountain 2:01:12
Pa Vesh En-My Obscure Obsession-Church of Bones 2:12:21
VOIDCRAEFT-עֵת לָמוּת (A Time To Die)-Ἕβελ 2:20:25
Ion-V-A Path Unknown 2:27:3
INFERNAL OBLITERATION E.146 - (12-September-2018)
01. Burzum - Leukes Renkespill (Introduksjon) - Belus (2010) NORWAY
02. Thromos - Schwarze Kapelle - Translunare Transzendenz (2015) GERMANY
03. All My Sins - Konačna Ravnodnevica (Čin Prvi) - Pra Sila - Vukov Totem (2018) SERBIA
04. All My Sins - Vukov Totem - Pra Sila - Vukov Totem (2018) SERBIA
05. Burial Shrine - To Walk The Edge Of Infinity - Labyrinth of Bridges (2018) CANADA
06. Burial Shrine - To Scorch The Earth - Labyrinth of Bridges (2018) CANADA
07. Rodent Epoch - High On Hades - Rodentlord (2018) FINLAND
08. Rodent Epoch - Cult Of Mission - Rodentlord (2018) FINLAND
09. Ill Omen - The Ruinous Drear - The Grande Usurper (2018) AUSTRALIA
10. Ill Omen - A Thousand Yawning Graves - The Grande Usurper (2018) AUSTRALIA
11. Bestia - Idaviikingid - Bestia, Urt, Zornestrieb, Isgalder 4 way split (2018) ESTONIA
12. Isgalder - Sirius Ablaze - Bestia, Urt, Zornestrieb, Isgalder 4 way split (2018) GERMANY
13. Urt - Uus ilma kord - Bestia, Urt, Zornestrieb, Isgalder 4 way split (2018) ESTONIA
14. Zornestrieb - Erhabend nicht Klagend! - Bestia, Urt, Zornestrieb, Isgalder 4 way split (2018) GERMANY
15. Cosmic Autumn - The Last Deception - Cosmic Autumn (2018) GERMANY
16. Cosmic Autumn - Event Horizon - Cosmic Autumn (2018) GERMANY
17. Ysbryd - Schmach und Schande - Kraft (2018) GERMANY
18. Ysbryd - Geist ueber Fleisch - Kraft (2018) GERMANY
19. Azgaroth - Verijää - Ikiunten Mailla (2018) FINLAND
20. Azgaroth - Valkeat hanget mustan maan - Ikiunten Mailla (2018) FINLAND
21. Severoth - Forestpaths II (Темної ночі очі) - Forestpaths (2017) UKRAINE
22. Sainte Marie des Loups - Sermons Sanglants - Sainte Marie des Loups (2018) FRANCE
23. Sainte Marie des Loups - Sainte Marie des Loups - Sainte Marie des Loups (2018) FRANCE
24. ColdWorld - Demon Speed - Nostalgia (2018) GERMANY
25. ColdWorld - Silva Nigra - Nostalgia (2018) GERMANY
26. Ichor - Spectres Of The Woods - God Of Thunder God Of War (2018) AUSTRALIA
27. Hats Barn - χήνα του Σατανά - S.h.e.o.L (2018) FRANCE
28. Mare - Labyrinth Of Dying Stars - Ebony Tower (2018) NORWAY
29. Heif - Golgata - Gyðingurinn Gangandi (2018) ICELAND
30. Mørketida - Temple Of Prevailing Darkness - Panphage Mysticism (2018) FINLAND
31. Chaos Moon - And So Are The Words That Never Made It: Part II - Origin Of Apparition (2007) US
INFERNAL OBLITERATION E.145 - (29-August-2018)
01. Necros Christos - Temple Viii - Doom of the Occult (2011) GERMANY
02. Shroud Of Satan - Prelude - Of Evil Descent (2018) GERMANY
03. Shroud Of Satan - Last Glimpse Of Light - Of Evil Descent (2018) GERMANY
04. Vargsang - Werewolf Of Wysteria - Werewolf Of Wysteria (2008) GERMANY
05. Craft - Darkness Falls - White Noise and Black Metal (2018) SWEDEN
06. Aorlhac - L'Ora es Venguda - L'esprit des vents (2018) FRANCE
07. Hyrgal - Aux Diktats de l'Instinct - Serpentine (2017) FRANCE
08. Lugubrum - St. Revel - Lugubrum / Finsternis (2002) BELGIUM
09. Selbsthass - Schwarze Galle - Stille (2018) GERMANY
10. Mooncitadel - Dance of a Dark Pagan Spell (The Dreaming Equinox) - Moon Calls To Wander... The Winter's Majesty (2018) FINLAND
11. Grim Monolith - A Prayer In Moonlight - Intempesta Nox (2011) ITALY
12. Heretic - Knights Of Baphomet - Black Metal Holocaust (1999) NETHERLANDS
13. Plutonian Shore - IAI - Alpha et Omega (2018) US
14. Crocell - Pactado con el Abismo - Fuego Negro (2015) COLOMBIA
15. Uada - Snakes & Vultures - Cult Of A Dying Sun (2018) US
16. Primordial - To Hell or the Hangman - Exile Amongst the Ruins (2018) IRELAND
17. Malokarpatan - Cesta podzemnými sálami Kovovlada II - Cesta podzemnými sálami Kovovlada (2018) SLOVAKIA
18. Vargaur - Waldreich - Dem Zwang zum Trotze (2018) GERMANY
19. GGUW - Untitled - Behauptungsanimalität (2017) GERMANY
20. Albionic Hermetecism - Aa Moete Hermes - Ancient Hermetic Purity (2018) UK
21. Black Howling - Celestial Entropy - Return of Primordial Stillness (2018) PORTUGAL
22. Vanhelga - You Are Temporary - Fredagsmys (2018) SWEDEN
23. Grafjammer - Moord & Doodslag & Jenever - Schalm & Schabauw (2018) NETHERLANDS
24. Nigredo - Ten Repellent Antiforces - Flesh Torn - Spirit Pierced (2018) GREECE
25. Dakhma - Akhoman (Spill The Blood) - Hamkar Atonement (2018) SWITZERLAND
26. Thecodontion - Desmatosuchus spurensis - Thecondontia (2018) ITALY
27. Jyotisavedanga - Quantum Integers Systematic Deduc - Thermogravimetry Warp Continuum (2018) INDIA/RUSSIA
28. Subduer - Execution Ritual - Death Monolith (2018) GERMANY
02. Shroud Of Satan - Prelude - Of Evil Descent (2018) GERMANY
03. Shroud Of Satan - Last Glimpse Of Light - Of Evil Descent (2018) GERMANY
04. Vargsang - Werewolf Of Wysteria - Werewolf Of Wysteria (2008) GERMANY
05. Craft - Darkness Falls - White Noise and Black Metal (2018) SWEDEN
06. Aorlhac - L'Ora es Venguda - L'esprit des vents (2018) FRANCE
07. Hyrgal - Aux Diktats de l'Instinct - Serpentine (2017) FRANCE
08. Lugubrum - St. Revel - Lugubrum / Finsternis (2002) BELGIUM
09. Selbsthass - Schwarze Galle - Stille (2018) GERMANY
10. Mooncitadel - Dance of a Dark Pagan Spell (The Dreaming Equinox) - Moon Calls To Wander... The Winter's Majesty (2018) FINLAND
11. Grim Monolith - A Prayer In Moonlight - Intempesta Nox (2011) ITALY
12. Heretic - Knights Of Baphomet - Black Metal Holocaust (1999) NETHERLANDS
13. Plutonian Shore - IAI - Alpha et Omega (2018) US
14. Crocell - Pactado con el Abismo - Fuego Negro (2015) COLOMBIA
15. Uada - Snakes & Vultures - Cult Of A Dying Sun (2018) US
16. Primordial - To Hell or the Hangman - Exile Amongst the Ruins (2018) IRELAND
17. Malokarpatan - Cesta podzemnými sálami Kovovlada II - Cesta podzemnými sálami Kovovlada (2018) SLOVAKIA
18. Vargaur - Waldreich - Dem Zwang zum Trotze (2018) GERMANY
19. GGUW - Untitled - Behauptungsanimalität (2017) GERMANY
20. Albionic Hermetecism - Aa Moete Hermes - Ancient Hermetic Purity (2018) UK
21. Black Howling - Celestial Entropy - Return of Primordial Stillness (2018) PORTUGAL
22. Vanhelga - You Are Temporary - Fredagsmys (2018) SWEDEN
23. Grafjammer - Moord & Doodslag & Jenever - Schalm & Schabauw (2018) NETHERLANDS
24. Nigredo - Ten Repellent Antiforces - Flesh Torn - Spirit Pierced (2018) GREECE
25. Dakhma - Akhoman (Spill The Blood) - Hamkar Atonement (2018) SWITZERLAND
26. Thecodontion - Desmatosuchus spurensis - Thecondontia (2018) ITALY
27. Jyotisavedanga - Quantum Integers Systematic Deduc - Thermogravimetry Warp Continuum (2018) INDIA/RUSSIA
28. Subduer - Execution Ritual - Death Monolith (2018) GERMANY
BLACK ONSLAUGHT E. 4 (26-August-2018)
01. Nortfalke - Schitteringen - Schitteringen (2018) NETHERLANDS
02. Albionic Hermetiscisn - Along The Spinal Column - Ancient Hermetic Purity (2018) UK
03. Bethlehem - Nexus - Suicide Radio (2003) GERMANY
04. Carpathian Forest - Cold Comfort - Morbid Fascination Of Death (2001) NORWAY
05. Darchon - Breath of Typhoeus - Enshroudment Of Astral Destiny SPLIT (2012) GREECE
06. Nihill - Gnosis pt.ii - Krach (2007) NETHERLANDS
07. Lehvä-Malum - I - I (2008)
08. Herlequin - Fanfare pour un Massacre - Romances Factieuses & Élégies de l'Ost (2018) FRANCE
09. Mavorim - Jagd - Der König ist tot (2018) GERMANY
10. Caligula - Dementation - Goetia (2018) US
11. Glacial Mausoleum - As the Blizzard Sings a Cruel Song of Anguish - Compilare MMXIV (2018) NETHERLANDS
12. Peter Bjärgö & Gustaf Hildebrand - Black Codex - Out of the Darkling Light, Into the Bright Shadow (2005) SWEDEN
13. 3 - Apocalyptic Silence - Antichristian Kaos (2001) ITALY
14. Laster - De tijd vóór - Ons vrije fatum (2017) NETHERLANDS
15. Wilds Forlorn - Path of Sorrows - We, the Damned (2012) NETHERLANDS
16. Nitrous Flesh - Satanic Science - Mutation Process (2006) US
17. Arsule - La Source - La Cite Enfouie (2018) FRANCE
18. Epithalium - Aus Der Dunkelheit - Gottesaustreibung/Christenausweidung (2012) GERMANY
19. Loci Inferni - Acte 3 - Lumière Noire (2018) FRANCE
20. Djevel - Alt som her var er borte - Blant Svarte Graner (2018) NORWAY
21. Black Howling - Cosmic Oblivion - Return of Primordial Stillness (2018) PORTUGAL
02. Silence
03. Dakhma-04 Nanghait (Born Of Fire)-Hamkar Atonement LP/CD 7:33:03
04. Orgy of Carrion-Blood Cross-Split w/Cremantur 18:27
05. Frozen Graves-Eaters of Flesh-Frozen Graves 23:33
06. Candelabrum-The Axis of Existence-Portals 31:27
07. Bulldozer-Ilona the Very best-IX 41:24
08. Balmog-Hodegetria-Vacvvm 44:05
09. Solefald-The Philosophers revolt-The Linear Scaffold 50:44
10. Covenant-The Sulphur Feast-Nexus Polaris 56:28
11. Impaled Nazarene-Violence I Crave-Latex Cult 1:00:36
12. BONEHUNTER-The Reek of Reaper's Scythe-Children of the Atom 1:03:54
13. Shining-Reflecting In Solitude-I Within Deep Dark Chambers 1:07:30
14. Paysage d'Hiver-Der Kristall ist Eis-Kristall&Isa 1:16:06
15. Bonjour Tristesse-Like the Scythe in the Ripened Field-Your Ultimate Urban Nightmare 1:24:07
16. Cinzas-III-Demo 1 1:28:17
17. Inexorum-Let Pain Be Your Guide-Lore Of The Lakes 1:36:52
18. Blue Hummingbird On The Left-Camino de Guerra-1:42:01
19. Sear Bliss-Forbidden Doors-Letters from the edge 1:47:01
20. Kommadant-Blood Eel-Blood Eel 1:55:35
21. ELEGIAC-Cosmic Holocaust-Black Clouds of War 2:02:46
22. Opera IX-Esteban's Promise-The Call of the Wood 2:08:50
23. Dis Orcus-Somnambulistic Visions-Somnambulistic Visions 2:17:24
24. HADES ARCHER-07 Hecate Undressed-Temple of the Impure 2:23:38
25. Baxaxaxa-Nocturnal Mass and Christ's Damnation-Magicus Tallis Damnatio/Hellfire 2:27:14
26. Ved Buens Ende-I Sang for Swans-Written in Waters 2:32:29
OBSERVANCE E.13 BV.7 (19-Aug-2018)
01. Intro-Bell of Fire02. Silence
03. Dakhma-04 Nanghait (Born Of Fire)-Hamkar Atonement LP/CD 7:33:03
04. Orgy of Carrion-Blood Cross-Split w/Cremantur 18:27
05. Frozen Graves-Eaters of Flesh-Frozen Graves 23:33
06. Candelabrum-The Axis of Existence-Portals 31:27
07. Bulldozer-Ilona the Very best-IX 41:24
08. Balmog-Hodegetria-Vacvvm 44:05
09. Solefald-The Philosophers revolt-The Linear Scaffold 50:44
10. Covenant-The Sulphur Feast-Nexus Polaris 56:28
11. Impaled Nazarene-Violence I Crave-Latex Cult 1:00:36
12. BONEHUNTER-The Reek of Reaper's Scythe-Children of the Atom 1:03:54
13. Shining-Reflecting In Solitude-I Within Deep Dark Chambers 1:07:30
14. Paysage d'Hiver-Der Kristall ist Eis-Kristall&Isa 1:16:06
15. Bonjour Tristesse-Like the Scythe in the Ripened Field-Your Ultimate Urban Nightmare 1:24:07
16. Cinzas-III-Demo 1 1:28:17
17. Inexorum-Let Pain Be Your Guide-Lore Of The Lakes 1:36:52
18. Blue Hummingbird On The Left-Camino de Guerra-1:42:01
19. Sear Bliss-Forbidden Doors-Letters from the edge 1:47:01
20. Kommadant-Blood Eel-Blood Eel 1:55:35
21. ELEGIAC-Cosmic Holocaust-Black Clouds of War 2:02:46
22. Opera IX-Esteban's Promise-The Call of the Wood 2:08:50
23. Dis Orcus-Somnambulistic Visions-Somnambulistic Visions 2:17:24
24. HADES ARCHER-07 Hecate Undressed-Temple of the Impure 2:23:38
25. Baxaxaxa-Nocturnal Mass and Christ's Damnation-Magicus Tallis Damnatio/Hellfire 2:27:14
26. Ved Buens Ende-I Sang for Swans-Written in Waters 2:32:29
01. Bestial Summoning - Countess of Evil - The Dark War Has Begun (1992)
02. Funeral Winds - The Wicked are the Wise - Koude Haat (2004)
03. Sammath - Through Filth And The Remains Of Man - Godless Arrogance (2014)
04. Luciferian Insectus - Teeth Ov Devil's Smile Fulfilled - Zal van Beherit (2018)
05. Standvast - Last van het bevel - Afkomst (2016)
06. Kaeck - Akolieten van de nacht - Stormkult (2015)
07. Tarnkappe - Eeuwig Onheil - Winterwaker (2016)
08. Kjeld - Ivich Libben - De Tiid Hâldt Gjin Skoft (2010)
09. Salacious Gods - Striem'n op de Pokkel 1227 - Piene (2005)
10. Hekel - De Grimmige Sterfte Op De Heide - De Dodenvaart (2006)
11. Unlord - Schwarzwald - Schwarzwald (1997)
12. Grafjammer - Het Rottende Schompes - Schalm & Schabauw (2018)
13. Lugubre - Depopulate This World - Anti Human Black Metal (2003)
14. Verbum Verus - Primula Signis - Melkiresha (2012)
15. Blood Tyrant - Dawn of a New Supremacy - Aristocracy of Twilight (2016)
16. Cultus - De nachtdwaler - A Seat in Valhalla (2004)
17. Gestalte - Op naar het woud der smarten (deel 1) - Ashes of the Soul (2013)
18. Gheestenland - Oude Wonden Open Gereten - IJzeren luchten (2014)
19. Pyriphlegethon - Black Depths Beyond the Gate - Night of Consecration (2015)
20. Zwartplaag - Forgotten Tower of the Moon - Haatstorm (2010)
21. Ibex Angel Order - Origin of Spheres - I (2015)
22. Walpurgisnacht - Nachtghebroedt - Moerasghesomp (2003)
23. Fluisterwoud - Met de Wind Wedergekeerd - Laat Alle Hoop Varen (2009)
24. Mondvolland - Pestvogel - Pestvogel EP (2012)
25. Cirith Gorgor - Rite Of Purification - Vanished From This World - Visions Of Exalted Lucifer (2016)
26. Malorum - Rise Of The Doomed One - Dominum Omnium Malorum (2012)
27. Funeral Goat - Communion Ov The Black Lord - Mass Ov Perversion (2009)
28. Fluisteraars - Stuk - Gelderland (2016)
29. Wederganger - Heengegaan - Wederganger/Urfaust Split (2017)
30. Urfaust - False Sensorial Impressions - The Constellatory Practice (2018)
31. Stormur - An Oath - The Shadows Which Sow Death And Madness (2015)
32. Faceless Entity - In Via Ad Nusquam I - In Via Ad Nusquam (2017)
OBSERVANCE E.12 BV.6 (5-Aug-2018)
01. Onslaught-Power from Hell-TT
02. Lorn-Toybodïm-Arrayed Claws 628
03. Old Man's Child-Swallowed by a Buried One-Born of the Flickering 1230
04. Masters Hammer-Facinator-Facinator 1717
05. Ygg-Кровь-Ygg 2138
06. Wild Hunt-Illimitable Corridors-Scroll and Urn 2921
07. Imperial Triumphant-The Filth-Vile Luxury 3715
08. Morketida-Invoking the 7th Moon-Panphage Mysticism (CD, LP) 4629
09. *Sathanas-Of Wrath and Hellfire-Necrohymns 5224
10. Hellhammer-The Third of Storms-Demon Entrails 5713
11. Carpathian Forest-Likeim-TT 10012
12. Kroda-A Long Alone Pathway-Selbstwelt 10438
13. Enslaved-Heimdallr-Vikingligr Veldi 11205
14. Bestia Arcana-Obscurator-Holókauston 11938
15. Wiegedood-Prowl-De Doden Hebben Het Goed III 12804
16. *The Antichrist Imperium-Ceremonial Suicide Rites-Volume II Every Tongue Shall Praise Satan 13712
17. Katharsis-Krossfyre-VVorldVVithoutEnd 14403
18. Utzalu-Painted With Her Skull-Idiot Hell 15004
19. Weaking-Cut Their Brain And Place Fire Therein-Dead as Dreams 15335
20. Norn-Ten Thousand Years-BÖRN: Vltima Permonvm Conea 20355
21. Dawn-The Knell And The World-Slautghtersun (Crown Of The Triarchy) 20959
22. Empty-Empty-Vacio 21856
23. Book Of Sand-Dreaming Of The Deep-The Face Of The Deep 22720
INFERNAL OBLITERATION E.143 - (1-August-2018)
01. Besatt - Intro - Hail Lucifer (1999) POLAND
02. Besatt - My. Truth - Hail Lucifer (1999) POLAND
03. Algide - MMLXXXIII - Mortifère (2013) FRANCE
04. Mavorim - Das alte Blut - Der König ist tot (2018) GERMANY
05. Ars Magna Umbrae - Through Lunar Gateways - Through Lunar Gateways (2017) POLAND
06. Cultum Interitum - II - Temple Of Triumphant Death (2018) POLAND
07. Kistvaen - Dolor - Unbekannte (2010) ROMANIA
08. Caverne - Ma Race - Chants Des Héros Oubliés (2013) FRANCE
09. Black Altar - The Revelation of Scourge - Black Altar (2004) POLAND
10. Membaris - Supreme emotional Sensation - Into Nevermore (2007) GERMANY
11. Breathing Hell - Advent of the Adversary - Gospel of Annihilation (2017) POLAND
12. Drauggard - Noekken - Immer Werden (2018) RUSSIA
13. Murderous Ideology - Devoured By Ruthless Enmity - Demonic Obscure Morbidity (2018) US
14. Bestial Mockery - Slaughter Mass - Slaying the Life (2007) SWEDEN
15. Black Trinity - Triumph in Blasphemy - Demonic Pleasures (2005) US
16. Atanagrum - Invocació a הַשָּׂטָן - Single (2018) SPAIN
17. Wolvhammer - Eternal Rotting Misery - The Monuments of Ash & Bone (2018) US
18. Vonlaus - Í blindbyl ótta og haturs - Vonlaus (2018) ICELAND
19. Speaks In Tongues - The Scapegoat - Prophecies of Armageddon (2018) US
20. Myrkraverk - Blåkvit - Naer Døden (2018) NORWAY
21. Ascète - Grisâtres Dégorgeoirs - Romances Factieuses & Élégies de l'Ost [Split](2018) BELGIUM/FRANCE
22. Herlequin - Le Complot des Souterrains - Romances Factieuses & Élégies de l'Ost [Split](2018) FRANCE
23. Via Dolorosa - Sangue Dell Iscariota - Discipline And Ironfist Ten Years Of Tiranny (2010) ITALY
24. Djevel - Banker som doedningeknoker - Blant Svarte Graner (2018) NORWAY
25. Knokkelklang - Jeg Begaver - Jeg Begaver (2018) NORWAY
26. Severoth - Winterfall-II - Winterfall (2015) UKRAINE
27. Die Dood - Doodwaarts - Die See In [Demo] (2016) SOUTH AFRICA
BLACK ONSLAUGHT E. 3 (27-June-2018)
01. Akhkharu - Nos Noctium Dominarium - Nos Noctium Dominarium (1996) US
02. Puissance - Behold The Valiant Misanthropist - Let Us Lead (2005) SWEDEN
03. Naer Mataron - Anti-Celestial Campaign - Praetorians (2008) GREECE
04. Children Of The Apocalypse - Dark Reaction - "Ta'Wil" (1996) US
05. Vakash - Was Heaven Ever Really Your Friend (2018) unreleased advanced promo US
06. Den Saakaldte - Øde - Øl, Mørke og Depresjon (2008) NORWAY
07. Spira infernus - Le tunnel spectral - Marches lugubres: Un serpent dans l'herbe (2018) CANADA
08. Urfaust - A Course in Cosmic Meditation - The Constellatory Practice (2018) NETHERLANDS
09. Aghiatrias - Gloria - Field Mass (2000) CZECH REP
10. Lamia Vox - Enemy of Heaven - Sigillum Diaboli (2013) CANADA
11. Coph Nia - Holy War [Pt. III - Remobilize] - Holy War (2001) SWEDEN
12. Leidungr - Olympia - Nordiska Hymner (2016) SWEDEN
13. Reverorum ib Malacht - (Natten inuti) en tagg som sticker mig…-Im Ra Distare Summum Soveris Seris Vas Innoble (2018) SWEDEN
14. Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio - Hell Is Where The Heart Is-The Gospel Of Tomas - Satyriasis - Somewhere Between Equilibrium And Nihilism (2005) SWEDEN
15. Allerseelen - Tanzt Die Orange - Venezia (2001) AUSTRIA
15. Mal Etre - Conspiracy Against Life - Medication (2012) SWITZERLAND
17. Striborg - The Haunted Gum Trees - Spiritual Catharsis (2004) AUSTRALIA
18. Terra Tenebrosa - The Teranbos Prayer - The Tunnels (2011) SWEDEN
19. Germ - Butterfly - Grief (2013) AUSTRALIA
OBSERVANCE E.11 BV.5 (22-July-2018)
- Belphegor-Engulfed in Eternal Frost-The Last Supper 00:29
- The Axis of Perdition-My Time, My Reign, My Tyranny-The Ichneumon Method (And Less Welcome Techniques) 6:31
- Anicon-Wither and Waste-Entropy Mantra 12:21
- THorns-Stellar Master Elite-Thorns 18:18
- Immortal-Mighty Ravendark 23:43
- Wildernessking-I will go to your Tomb-Mystical Future 32:46
- Kwade Droes-Misdaad Loont-De Duivel en zijn gore oude kankermoer 40:39
- Lunar Aurora-Blutbaum-Of Stargates and Bloodstained Celestial Spheres 44:59
- Bohemian Grove-Age Of Retrogression-TT 50:25
- Fless-Vampyric Drain Through Hypnotic Force-Frenzied Bloodlust Underneath A Black Moon 56:37
- Old Forest-To Haunt the old Forest-Into the old Forest 1:07:20
- Haunter-Madrugadas Oscuras-Haunter/Soverign split 1:12:22
- Nocturnal Mortum-Східній Злам-The Spirit Never Dies 1:21:26
- IMHA TARIKAT-SON MISTISIZM (Demo-Version) 1:30:20
- KZOHH-IV Millas Al Dias-Rye. Fleas. Chrismon. 1:36:04
- Satan My Master-01-Tormenting the nazarene swine-The King Of Hell Arrives 1:43:27
- Faustcoven-Marching in the Shadow-In the Shadow of Doom 1:49:23
- Alchemyst-Rites of the Holy Hill-Nekromanteion 1:54:39
- Sortsind-More Days-More Days 1:59:04
- PYREFICATIVM-Ancient Sands (The Foundation in Tiphareth)-संसार का पथ 2:04:00
- Svartkonst-Devil's Blood-Devils Blood 2:14:13
- The Negative Bias-Tormented By Endless Delusions-Lamentation of the Chaos Omega 2:20:36
- Hate Forest-Black Forest-The Most Ancient Ones 2:24:06
- Malvery-L’Hysterie-Mortal Entrenchment in Requiem 2:29:08
- P.H.O.B.O.S.-Aurora Sulphura-Phlogiston Catharsis 2:38:18
0. Dodsferd - Die In Pain - Fucking Your Creation1. Slavia - Detector Of Evil - Strength And Vision (2007) NORWAY
2. Blodarv - Those Who Speaks In Minds - Soulcollector (The Thousand Years Tale) (2004) DENMARK
3. Мopok - Carpathian Fullmoon Ritual part I - Carpathian Fullmoon Ritual (2018) UKRAINE
4. Blackthrone - Funeral Death - Black Metal Juggernaut (2005) FINLAND
5. Regentvm - Deamon - Der Finsternis Wieg’ (2018) GERMANY
6. Blutvial - Midwinters Halls - Mysteries of Earth (2018) UK
7. Délétère - Cantus VIII – Atrum Lilium - De Horae Leprae (2018) CANADA
8. Ruach Raah - Scythe Militia - Under the Insignia of Baphomet (2018) PORTUGAL
9. Ruach Raah - Under the Insignia of Baphomet - Under the Insignia of Baphomet (2018) PORTUGAL
10. Krolok - Ride a Roan Steed - When the Moon Sang Our Songs (2014) SLOVAKIA
11. Sect Pig - Crooked Backs - Crooked Backs (2018) INTERNATIONAL
12. Lore of the Cannibals - Cannibals of the Ancient Forest - Cannibals of the Ancient Forest (2017) US
13. Kiss Thy Goat - Ego Fum Papa - Ego Fum Papa (demo) (2016) CANADA
14. Orenda - The Funeral - The Funeral (2007) BULGARIA
15. Varnak (Варнак) - ... и по мокрой земле (цветы радости) - Вопль о Земле (2017) RUSSIA
16. Vilkacis - In the Night's Grip - Vilkacis Turia Split (2018) US
17. Turia - Spiegel der Eenvoudige Zielen - Turia - Vilkacis Split (2018) NETHERLANDS
18. Croc Noir - Dipsomanie - Ombre (2018) FRANCE
19. All My Sins - Zov iz Magle - Zov iz Magle (2018) SERBIA
20. Voëmmr - Nox - I - Nox Maledictvs (2017) PORTUGAL
21. Ordo Malum - Treacherous Will - Ordo Malum (2018) RUMANIA
22. Imha Tarikat - Son Mistisizm - Son Mistisizm Single (2018) GERMANY
23. Labooulalagazza - House of Ishtar - ...labooulalagazza (2017) US
24. Nachsah - Red Death Eclipse (A Savage Darkening) - Phantasmal Trinunity (2018) NORWAY
25 Nachsah - Fleshtemple Incineraton - Phantasmal Trinunity (2018) NORWAY
26. Vargrav - Shadowed Secrets Unmasked - Netherstorm (2018) FINLAND
27. Soul Dissolution - Stardust - Stardust (2018) BELGIUM
28. Wedard - What We Left Behind - 10 Years Of Wedard (2012) GERMANY
29. Tchornobog - II: Hallucinatory Black Breath Of Possession (Mountain-Eye Amalgamation) - Tchornobog (2017) US
OBSERVANCE E.10 BV.4 (8-July-2018)
1. Stillborn Fawn-Arterial Drainage-Norn2. *Phantom-The Horror-Death Epic
3. Krigsblod-Fear the Sky-Krigsblod
4. Macabre Omen-Rhodian Pride, Lindian Might-Gods of war At War
5. Mesarthim-Collapse-The Density Parameter
6. Blood Bark-Eyeless Winter-Bonebranches
7. *Funeral Mist-Shedding Skin-Hekatomb
8. Terra Tenebrosa-House of Flesh-The Purging
9. Wrath of the Weak-Chapter VI: Light Streaming in Through the Cracks in the Door-Alogon
10. Craft-Again-White Noise And Black Metal
11. Skaphe-II-Skáphe²
12. Marduk-Christ Raping Black Metal
13. Shaidar Logoth-Drink Thine Wretched Wine-Chapter II: The Ritualist
14. Mylingar-Ritualen-Döda Drömmar
15. Sanguine Eagle-A Vision of Supremacy Cast Upon Shango's Hammer-Sanguine Eagle / Oppression
16. Botanist-Clathrus Columnatus (Botanist)-EP3: Green Metal / Deterministic Chaos
17. Ascension-Dreaming In Death-Under ether
18. Temnozor-Werewolf-Horizons
19. Sigh-At My Funeral-Scorn Defeat
20. MasseMord-Towards Divine Anticlimax-A Life-Giving Power Of Devastation
21. Invocation Spells-Victims of Doom-Spread Cruelty in the Abyss
22. Unholy Vampyric Slaughter Sect-Follow Me Through Thine Dream Of Dying Orchids-Canticle 23. Bound In Spirit - The Faith In Vampyric Blood
24. Venom-Sons of Satan-Welcome to Hell
25. Ill Omen-An eld of Living Darkness-The Grande Usurper 12" MLP/MCD
26. Spectral Wound-Feral Gates of Flesh-Infernal Decadence
27. Sleepwalker-Never Through a Threshold
- Blood Stained Dusk - The Knell Resounding - Black Faith Inquisition
- Summoning - Wyrmvater Glaurung - Dol Guldur
- Heilung - In Maidjan - Ofnir
- Nargaroth - Journey Through My Cosmic Cells (The Negation Of God) - Spectral Visions of Mental Warfare
- Nevod - Pravda Dlya Evreev - Zalozhniki Miloserdija
- Khaos-Dei - Allegeance - Opus II: Catechism
- Saturnian Mist - Evoking God - Chaos Magick
- Blade Of Death - Sorrow Of The Past - Depression, Desolation, Despair... Kill Yourself
- Verge - There Is Nothing Left - Hatemagic
- Blut Aus Nord - Procession of the Dead Clowns - The Work Which Transforms God
- Blood Of Kingu - Prayer to the Gods of Night - Dark Star On The Right Horn Of The Crescent Moon
- Sacrilegium - Dawn - Embrace the Darkness
- Bloody Sign - Symphony Of Bones (Drum Interlude) - Chaos Echoes
- Darvaza - Tenebrae - The Downward Descent
- Frater Ximenes Is Dead - Introitus - Missa Brevis Sancti Rosacrusis de lehovae
- Eterul - Entering Dismay In Ethereal Subtunnels - Verso Ascendere
- Imperium Dekadenz - Somnia - Dis Manibvs
- Havukruunu - Verta Ja Tuhkaa - Rautaa ja Tulta
- Ebon Lore - The Owl - Wisdom Of The Owl
- Råttkung - Chainsaw dance - 15:25
- Limbus Infantium - Schutzraum - Schutzraum EP
- Arditi - Forfaders Dygder - Imposing Elitism
- Leidholz - Europe After The Rain - Nebel und Schatten EP
INTRO: Ritualization -Conjuration of the Howling Depths (intro)
1. Borgne - La porte du chaos - [∞] (2018) SWITZERLAND
2. Mascharat - Médecin de Peste - Mascharat (2017) ITALY
3. ChaosWolf - Bonus Militis Vexillum - The Fall of the Idols (2013) MEXICO
4. Horn - Garant - Retrograd (2018) GERMANY
6. Grá - Hveðrungs Mær - Väsen (2018) SWEDEN
7. Luciferian Insectus - Anthropophogy - Zal van Beherit (2018 re-released) NETHERLANDS
8. Black Mass Pervertor -The Golden Spears - Life Beyond the Walls of Flesh (2018) FINLAND
9. Black Mass Pervertor - Unorthodox Methods of Magick - Life Beyond the Walls of Flesh (2018)
10. Goat Worship - The Blood Countess - Shore of the Dead (2018) BRAZIL
11. Goatkraft - Goatkraft - Angel Slaughter (2018) NORWAY
12. Flame Acausal - Cruel and Implacable - Contra Mundum in Aeternum (2018) SWEDEN
13. Thy Sepulchral Moon - Intro + Spell 1 - Indignant Force of Great Malevolence (2017)
14. Djevelkult - Atomic Holocaust - Når Avgrunnen Åpnes (2018) NORWAY
15. Diagon - Satan Mit Uns - Satan Mit Uns (2009) CZECK REPUBLIC
16. Christicide - Solitude With The Devil - Upheaval Of The Soul (2013) FRANCE
17. Charon - Sulphur Seraph (The Archon Principle) - Sulphur Seraph (2012) GERMANY
18. Serpents Lair - Din Afgrund, Min Frelse - Perpetual Hunger (2018) DENMARK
19. Chaos Invocation - The Search Of Keys And Gates - Reaping Season, Bloodshed Beyond (2018) GERMANY
20. The Black Sorcery - Frost Veined - And The Beast Spake Death From Above (2018) CANADA
21. Golden Dawn - Lunar Serpent - 'Temple of Cruel Empathy / Lunar Serpent' Split (2018) AT
22. Svederna - Branda Jordens Taktik - Svedjeland (2018) SWEDEN
23. Itnuveth - Doomed Wolf - Tales and Legends of Wolves (2017) SPAIN
24. Isgalder - Elder Wisdom - To The Hall Of The Stars (2018) GERMANY
25. Dauþuz - Kerker Der Ewigkeit - Die Grubenmähre (2017) GERMANY
26. Lathspell - To Purify With Fire - Luciferian Nightfall (Split) (2018) FINLAND
27. Malum - Lucifer Forever - Luciferian Nightfall (Split) (2018) FINLAND
28. Chalice of Blood - Shemot - Helig, Helig, Helig (2015) SWEDEN
29. Chaos Omen - To Admit and Allow - Let Clarity Succumb (2006) SWEDEN
30. Raven Throne - Vietru - I Miortvym Snicca Zolak (2018) BELARUS
31. Chaos Moon - Procession of Faces - The Ouroboros Worm (2011) US
32. Cathedraline -Through the Mirror - Circumcursare (2014) GERMANY
1. Borgne - La porte du chaos - [∞] (2018) SWITZERLAND
2. Mascharat - Médecin de Peste - Mascharat (2017) ITALY
3. ChaosWolf - Bonus Militis Vexillum - The Fall of the Idols (2013) MEXICO
4. Horn - Garant - Retrograd (2018) GERMANY
6. Grá - Hveðrungs Mær - Väsen (2018) SWEDEN
7. Luciferian Insectus - Anthropophogy - Zal van Beherit (2018 re-released) NETHERLANDS
8. Black Mass Pervertor -The Golden Spears - Life Beyond the Walls of Flesh (2018) FINLAND
9. Black Mass Pervertor - Unorthodox Methods of Magick - Life Beyond the Walls of Flesh (2018)
10. Goat Worship - The Blood Countess - Shore of the Dead (2018) BRAZIL
11. Goatkraft - Goatkraft - Angel Slaughter (2018) NORWAY
12. Flame Acausal - Cruel and Implacable - Contra Mundum in Aeternum (2018) SWEDEN
13. Thy Sepulchral Moon - Intro + Spell 1 - Indignant Force of Great Malevolence (2017)
14. Djevelkult - Atomic Holocaust - Når Avgrunnen Åpnes (2018) NORWAY
15. Diagon - Satan Mit Uns - Satan Mit Uns (2009) CZECK REPUBLIC
16. Christicide - Solitude With The Devil - Upheaval Of The Soul (2013) FRANCE
17. Charon - Sulphur Seraph (The Archon Principle) - Sulphur Seraph (2012) GERMANY
18. Serpents Lair - Din Afgrund, Min Frelse - Perpetual Hunger (2018) DENMARK
19. Chaos Invocation - The Search Of Keys And Gates - Reaping Season, Bloodshed Beyond (2018) GERMANY
20. The Black Sorcery - Frost Veined - And The Beast Spake Death From Above (2018) CANADA
21. Golden Dawn - Lunar Serpent - 'Temple of Cruel Empathy / Lunar Serpent' Split (2018) AT
22. Svederna - Branda Jordens Taktik - Svedjeland (2018) SWEDEN
23. Itnuveth - Doomed Wolf - Tales and Legends of Wolves (2017) SPAIN
24. Isgalder - Elder Wisdom - To The Hall Of The Stars (2018) GERMANY
25. Dauþuz - Kerker Der Ewigkeit - Die Grubenmähre (2017) GERMANY
26. Lathspell - To Purify With Fire - Luciferian Nightfall (Split) (2018) FINLAND
27. Malum - Lucifer Forever - Luciferian Nightfall (Split) (2018) FINLAND
28. Chalice of Blood - Shemot - Helig, Helig, Helig (2015) SWEDEN
29. Chaos Omen - To Admit and Allow - Let Clarity Succumb (2006) SWEDEN
30. Raven Throne - Vietru - I Miortvym Snicca Zolak (2018) BELARUS
31. Chaos Moon - Procession of Faces - The Ouroboros Worm (2011) US
32. Cathedraline -Through the Mirror - Circumcursare (2014) GERMANY
BLACK ONSLAUGHT E. 2 (28-June-2018)
OBSERVANCE E.9 BV.3 (24-June-2018)
1. NME-Louder than Hell-Unholy Death 00292. *Blasphamagoatachrist-Black Metal Warfare-TT 529
3. Samuel-Celebration of the Fourth-Ceremony of Opposites 901
4. Cult of Fire- मृत्यु का वीभत्स नृत्य-मृत्यु का तापसी अनुध्यान 1154
5. *Abstracter-Wings of Annihilation-Cinereous Incarnate 1834
6. Pale Chalice-Bound Intransigent Flight-Negate The Infinite And Miraculous 2924
7. *Divine Ecstasy-Lost in the Catacombs-Strange Passions3549
8. Predatory Light-Lurid Hand-S/T 4011
9. Arkona-Kazdy Los To Cien-Imperium 4537
10. Mayhem-From the Dark Past-De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas 5201
11. Lesmentor-Sangecher-... Sable et Soumise…5726
12. Schammasch-The World Destroyed by Water-Triangle 10254
13. *Abigail-Open the Gates of Hell-Final Damnation 11023
14. Chaos Echoes-Embodied By Perfidious Curls In The Innervated Flux,-Mouvement 11400
15. Mortuus-Astral Pandemonium-De Contemplanda Morte; De Reverencie Laboribus ac Adorationis 11842
16. Die Kunst Der Finsternis-Sanctus-Queen of Owls 12539
17. PROFANATICA-07 Yahweh Rejected-The Curling Flame of Blasphemy (CD, LP, TAPE)13036
19. Abominor (Iceland)-Opus Decay-Opus: Decay 14114
20. ...and Oceans-Ajatusten Merenpinta-The Symmetry of I, the Circle of O 15006
21. The Great Old Ones-When the stars align-EOD: A Tale Of Dark Legacy 15443
22. Hetroertzen-Of Tomb And Thirst-Ain Soph Aur 20034
23. Ondskapt-I-Draco Sit Mihi Dux 20454
24. PILLORIAN-Archaen Divinity-Obsidian Arc 21135
25. *Toska-Night I - Algid Gales-Toska 22002
26. Oranssi Pazuzu-Hypnotisoitu Viharukous-Varahtelija 22316
27. Gaerea (Portugal)-Abscent-Unsettling Whispers (Black Metal) 22842
28. Zeal, Ardor-Servents-Stranger Fruits 23644
1. Evil Oath - Trough the Darkened Realm - Anno. 1666 (2014) NETHERLANDS
2. Enthroned - The Antichrist Summons the Black Flame - Towards the Skullthrone of Satan ('98) BE
3. Endstille - Endstille (Völkerschlächter) - Infektion 1813 (2011) GERMANY
4. Sad - Apophenia - Utter Nihil Worship (2016) GREECE
5. Zerstörer - Lost In The Trench - Panzerfaust Justice (2010) GERMANY
6. Drudkh - Eternal Turn Of The Wheel - Forgotten Legends (2003) UKRAINE
7. Ephemer - Guerre et Gloire - Guerre et Glorie (2011) CANADA
8. Empire of Tharaphita - Beyond the Astral Seas - Path of the Old Lunar Cult Empire Split (2009) FI
9. Covenant - From The Storm Of The Shadows - In Times Before The Light (2001) NORWAY
10. Ad Hominem - Bomb The Earth - Napalm For All (2018) FRANCE
11. Funeral Mist - In Nomine Domini - Hekatomb (2018) SWEDEN
12. Curse Upon a Prayer - Let Thy Kingdom Come - The Three Woes (2018) FINLAND
13. Kalmankantaja - Uuden maailman tulessa - Gratzug / Kalmankantaja (2017) FINLAND
14. Gratzug - Schweigender Raum - Gratzug / Kalmankantaja (2017) GERMANY
15. Zifir - As Weak As Your God - Kingdom Of Nothingness (2017) TURKEY
16. Devathorn - Vultus Mortis - Diadema (2007) GREECE
17. Chambre Froide - L'Opprobre - Rouges chapelles (2016) FRANCE
18. Vhorthax - Thy Foul Graal - Nether Darkness (2016) RUSSIA
19. Communion - Witching Thrust - The Communion (2017) CHILE
20. Summon - Cvlt Of Abomination - Parazv Il Zilittv (2018) PORTUGAL
21. Grand Belial's Key - Can't Tell No One - Weltenfeind (2008) US
22. Thy Feeble Saviour - And Darkness Fell - And Darkness Fell (2018) US
23. Ziggurat - Blind Faith - Ritual Miasma (2017) ISRAEL
24. Akerbeltz - Spell of the Banshees - War & Hell (2015) SPAIN
25. Dysangelium - Chaomega - Leviaxxis (2014) GERMANY
26. Entartung - Black Dog of God - Baptised into the Faith of Lust (2017) GERMANY
27. Clandestine Blaze - Church Of Atrocity - Church Of Atrocity (2006) FINLAND
28. Dodsfall - I Helvete Et VI Dypt Savnet - Den Svarte Skogen (2011) NORWAY
29. Hats Barn - Purify By Fire - S.h.e.o.L (2018) FRANCE
30. Musta Surma - Pirunsaarna - Horna/Musta Surma Split (2005) FINLAND
31. Grandiose Malice - The Messenger - The Eternal Infernal (2017) US
32. Inferno - Gate-eye of Fractal Spiral - Gnosis Kardias (Of Transcension and Involution) (2017) CZ
33. Mist of Misery - Temple Of Stilled Voices - Bleak Autumn (2010) SWEDEN
34. Totalselfhatred - Nyktophilia -Solitude (2018) FINLAND
34. Totalselfhatred - Nyktophilia -Solitude (2018) FINLAND
35. Dornenreich - Der Hexe Flammend' Blick - Hexenwind (2005) AUSTRIA
OBSERVANCE E.8 BV.2 (10-June-2018)
1. Wóddréa Mylenstede-Cwealmdreor-Cwylmendeap 28092. BLACK FUCKING CANCER-wall of corpses-Black fucking Cancer 706
3. Darkthrone-Skald av Satans sol-Transylvanian hunger 1235
4. Serum Dreg-Edifice of Hatred-Lustful Vengeance 1650
5. *ALBIONIC HERMETICISM-Ancient Hermetic Purity-TT 2101
6. Dark Tribe-Crimson Storm-In Jeraspunta - Die Rückkehr der tollwütigen Bestie 2507
7. AKHLYS-Tides Of Oneiric Darkness-The Dreaming i 2937
8. *Decline of the i-Disruption-Escape 3641
9. Ulver-Capitel II -Bergtatt 4427
10. Shrine of Insanabilis-Cycles and Circles-Diciples of the Void 5056
11. Wayfarer-Animal Crown-Worlds Blood 5726
12. The Clearing Path-Stargazer Monolith-Watershed Between Firmament And The Realm Of Hyperborea 10215
13. Hic lacet-infinité Consciousness-The Cosmic Trance Into The Void 11011
14. *Abhor-Fons Malorum-Occulta Religio 11523
15. Mutiiliation-Black Imperial Blood-Vampires of Black Blood Imperial 12047
16. Pact-Hag and the Sleeper-Enigmata 12622
17. Novae Militiae-Orders of Most high-Gash’khalah 13137
18. Mysticum-The Rest-In the Streams of Inferno 13639
19. Inconcessus Lux Lucis-At The Behest Of The Sinister Impulse-The Crowning Quietus 14105
20. *ACHERONTAS-4.Faustian Ethos-Faustian Ethos 14811
21. Satanic Warmaster When thunders Hail- Fimbulwinter 15505
22. *Ascension-Dreaming in Death-Under Ether 15957
23. Caveman Cult-Legions of Black Vomit-Supremacia Primordial 10" EP 20639
24. Panegyrist-To Quicken Stone-Hierurgy 21015
25. Arknon Infaustus-Behing the Husk of Faith-Orthodoxyn 21956
27. Ghostbound-Roof and Wall-All is Phantom 23731
1. Gehenna - Black Seared Heart (Outro II)
2. Moloch - Die Kalte der Ewigkeit - Verwüstung (2014) UKRAINE
3. Misþyrming - Söngur heiftar - Söngvar elds og óreiðu (2014) ICELAND
4. Mordskog - Morbid Horizons in Dried Landscapes - Rare Hymns of Perdition…(2007) MEXICO
5. Pest - Triumph Des Todes - Triumph Des Todes (Compilation) (2014) GERMANY
6. Mortuus Infradaemoni - Mortuus Et Prodeunt Infradaemoni - Imis Avernis (2009) GERMANY
7. Pestilential Shadows - Choirs Beyond the Blackened Stars - Depths (2011) AUSTRALIA
8. Morrigan - Bloody, Blue Faces - Headcult (2005) GERMANY
9. Old Blood - Alone in the Return - promo (2018) SPAIN
10. Abhor - Demons Forged from the Smoke - Occulta religiO (2018) ITALY
11. Gort - Black Glorification - A Morte Ad Mortem (2017) ITALY
12. Emprise - Les trois Gorgones - Endémique (2018) CANADA
13. Ifernach - Extinction - Gaqtaqaiaq (2018) CANADA
14. Mort aux Gueux - Labourer le Merdier - L'Enracinement (2017) CANADA
15. Alkymist - I Raised This Stone as a Ghastly Memorial - Spellcraft Ceremony (2018) CANADA
16. Worhs - Tout Autour : des Prières - Partir / Détruire (2017) FRANCE
17. Plaga - Slaying The Spiritless Abel - Magia Gwiezdnej Entropii (2013) POLAND
18. Wømb - In the Abyss of this Darkness in which the Spirit has Died to Itself - Taciturn (2018) PT
19. Time Lurker - Whispering From Space - Time Lurker (2017) FRANCE
20. Urfaust - Zelfbestraffinstendenz en Occulte Raadsels - Wederganger / Urfaust "Split" (2017) NL
21. Wederganger - De Gebrokene - Wederganger / Urfaust "Split" (2017) NL
22. Prosternatur - Usella Mituti - Secretum Secretorum (2018) INTERNATIONAL
23. Wending Tide - Cascading Auburn II - The Painter (2017) NZ
24. Karg - Le Couloir des Ombres - Weltenasche (2016) AUSTRIA
25. Ordoxe - Tie it around my Neck - May Death be my Shepard (2015) CANADA
26. Wormlight - Wrath Of The Wilds - Wrath Of The Wilds (2018) SWEDEN
27. Vargrav - Limbo of Abysmal Void - Netherstorm (2017) FINLAND
28. Spite - The Devil's Minyan - Antimoshiach (2018) US
29. Eskhaton - Omegalitheos - Omegalitheos (2018) AUSTRALIA
30. Septulchu - Caged In A Worst Cage - Nil Sine Satanas, Fatality for Evil (2017) ITALY
31. Chotzä - Jammergschtautä - Bärner Bläck Metal Terror (2017) SWITZERLAND
32. Surge Assault - In Hell From Earth - Lust & Misery (2015) ITALY
BLACK ONSLAUGHT E.1 (29-May-2018)
OBSERVANCE E.7 BV.1 (27-May-2018)
- Bathory-equimanthorn-Under the sign of the black mark 0028
- Cosmic Church-Sinetti-Tayttymys 611
- Carpathian forest-The Swordsman-Black Shining Leather 13 19
- Antlers-Heal-Beneath.below.behold 17 24
- Délétère-Cantus IV - Inopiaet Morbo-De Horae Leprae 24:55
- Satyricon-Forhekset-Nemesis Divina 31 35
- Abigor-Temptation V Neglect-Leytmotif Luzifer 35 50
- Altar of Perversion-Behind Stellar Angles II-Intra Naos-italy 42 23
- Emptiness-Tale of a Burning Man-Nothing but the Whole 55 51
- Mahr-Noctaeon-Antelux 1 01 01
- Arcturus-Wintery Grey-Aspera Heims Symphonia 10950
- Inverser-Anti-Cherubik Madness 11416
- Seige Column-Hellspeed-Inferno Deathpassion-New Jersey 12211
- Negative Plane-Advent of the Beast-Et In Saecula Saeculorum-USA 12444
- Revenge-Scum Defection-Behold Total Rejection 13202
- Battle Dagorath-Dead Eyes of the moon-Eternal Throne 13714
- Drudkh-Sunwheel-Autumn Aurora-Ukraine 14218
- Emperor-THe Acclamation of Bonds-Anthems to the Welkein at Dusk 15106
- Pa Vesh En-A Haunting and Mourning-A Ghost 7” 15943
- Batushka-Yekteniya 1-Litourgiya 20636
- Blattaria-The Eggs are Hatching-Blattaria 21212
- Dissection-A Land Forlorn-The Somberlain 21935
Brilliant idea!